Apache WebDav no Ubuntu

Link: http://www.digital-arcanist.com/sanctum/article.php?story=20070427101250622

This HOWTO will show you how to create WebDAV enabled directories hosted on your Apache webserver. I wrote this using Ubuntu Server 7.04, but it should work on previous Ubuntu releases and (with only minor modifications) any other Linux distro.

  1. What is WebDAV?
  2. WebDAV stands for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It was designed to allow groups of individuals to edit and manage files stored on a web-server. The protocol allows the creation of "web-shares" which can be used for file storage, collaborative projects, editing websites themselves, and any number of other things. WebDAV supports features like editing, copying, and moving of files, file locks, resource lists, and file property modification. Most operating systems, including MS Windows, support WebDAV directories.
  3. Install the Proper Software
  4. The first thing you will need (obviously) is a functioning apache2 webserver. If you happened to have install Ubuntu Server Edition with the LAMP option, then you're set. Otherwise, you'll need to get a few things with apt. Do this however you want; I will use the command line. While you're at it, you might as well get PHP to go with it.
    apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
  5. Add Modules
  6. Fortunately, Apache 2.x comes with mod_dav already installed, we just have to activate it. We can do this by making some symlinks.
    cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
    ln -s ../mods-available/dav* .
  7. Create LockDB file for WebDAV
  8. Next we need to set up a DAVLockDB file for WebDAV to use. This is a very important step, as you'll wind up with Internal Server Errors if you try to use WebDAV without it.
    mkdir /usr/share/apache2/var
    touch /usr/share/apache2/var/DAVLock
    chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/apache2/var
  9. Setup Authentication and Add Users
  10. WebDAV can open your web server up to security risks. You don't want just anyone to wander in and change your files! There are several ways you can do authentication for your WebDAV directory, but htpasswd is the easiest and probably best for most cases. We'll make the passwords using MD5 and store them where we store the apache configurations and add an initial user while we're at it.
    htpasswd -m -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
    You can use this command to add more users later or change their passwords. Just remember to remove the -c option or you'll truncate your password db every time!
  11. Create the WebDAV Directory
  12. Okay, almost done. Let's make a directory in our web document root where we will run our WebDAV. I'm calling it myWebDAV. This is the folder in which your authorized users will be able to add, delete, and modify files. The directory will need to be writable by the web server.
    mkdir /var/www/myWebDAV
    chown www-data:www-data /var/www/myWebDAV
  13. Configure Apache
  14. Now all we need to tell Apache how to use WebDAV and where to enable it. This consists of adding a few definitions to the user-defined config file at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. Open that file with an editor and add lines similar to those below.
    ## Location of the DavLock file
    DavLockDB /usr/share/apache2/var/DavLock
    ## Set up the myWebDAV directory to use WebDAV and authentication
    Dav On
    AuthName "WebDAV Login"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
    ## Limit access for enhanced security
    require valid-user
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
  15. Restart Apache and Test
  16. That's it! Restart your web server and you're good to go. You and your friends/coworkers/etc can now login and modify the files at http://your.domain.com/myWebDAV.
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Corrigir Bluetooth no Hardy

mkdir temp
cd temp
wget http://amora.googlecode.com/files/hardy_blue_bug.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf hardy_blue_bug.tar.bz2
sudo dpkg -i  lsb-base_3.2-14ubuntu1_all.deb bluez-utils_3.36-1ubuntu1_i386.deb libbluetooth2_3.36-1_i386.deb libbluetooth-dev_3.36-1_i386.deb

link: http://code.google.com/p/amora/wiki/fixing_hardy

Private IP Subnets

link: http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/IP/subnets.php

Private IP Addresses
RFC 1918 requests that organizations make use of the private Internet address space for hosts that require IP connectivity within their enterprise network, but do not require external connections to the global Internet. For this purpose, the IANA has reserved the following three address blocks for private internets:
IP's above are used for both multicast and experimental purposes.

debuntu ?


WebDAV Configuration With Apache2 On Debian Etch


Microsoft XPS on Ubuntu with mono

Como visualizar arquivos xps no ubuntu?

Para visualizar no ubuntu hardy, pode-se instalar o pacote OKULAR com o comando:
sudo apt-get install okular-kde4

PS: o Okular não permitiu a impressão do arquivo de teste.

Para converter para PDF utilize o Xps da Ndesk em Mono:
Link: http://www.ndesk.org/Xps


The renderer uses the NDesk Cairo library, an updated version of Mono.Cairo:
git-clone git://git.ndesk.org/pub/scm/cairo-sharp
To get the (experimental) Xps sources:
git-clone git://git.ndesk.org/pub/scm/ndesk-xps


sudo apt-get install mono-1.0-devel mono-2.0-devel mono-mcs mono-gmcs
sudo apt-get install mono-gac mono-utils monodevelop monodoc-browser monodevelop-nunit monodevelop-versioncontrol
sudo apt-get install mono-xsp2 mono-xsp2-base asp.net2-examples
sudo apt-get install mono-xsp mono-xsp-base asp.net-examples
sudo cp /usr/share/asp.net2-demos/index.aspx /usr/share/asp.net2-demos/index2.aspx

cd ~/
svn co svn://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/mono-addins mono-addins
cd mono-addins
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/
sudo make install
cd ~/

git-clone git://git.ndesk.org/pub/scm/cairo-sharp
git-clone git://git.ndesk.org/pub/scm/ndesk-xps
cd ~/cairo-sharp
make all
cp ~/cairo-sharp/src/NDesk.Cairo.dll ~/ndesk-xps/src
cd ~/ndesk-xps
make all
cd ~/ndesk-xps/src
mono loader.exe Document.xps
This produces Document.pdf.
PS: Não consegui fazer funcionar para o meu arquivo de teste até agora.
Erro abaixo se alguém puder ajudar:

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.GetInputStream ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry entry) [0x00000]
at NDesk.IO.Packaging.ZipPackagePart.GetStreamCore (FileMode mode, FileAccess access) [0x00000]
at NDesk.IO.Packaging.PackagePart.GetStream (FileMode mode) [0x00000]
at NDesk.IO.Packaging.PackagePart.GetStream () [0x00000]
at NDesk.Xps.Loader.Convert (NDesk.IO.Packaging.Package pkg, Int32 docnum, System.String outfname) [0x00000]
at NDesk.Xps.Loader.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]

Links para mono: http://www.debianadmin.com/running-aspnet-applications-in-debian-and-ubuntu-using-xsp-and-mono.html

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Instalação VMWARE Server 2 no UBUNTU 8.04

Instale alguns pré-requisitos:
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Crie um diretório para salvar os arquivos de download do site da VMWare.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/src/VMWare

Faça o download dos arquivos navegando pelo site: http://www.vmware.com/download/server
Assim você terá o free serial numbers fornecidos durante o processo de download oficial.

Execute os comandos de instalação:
sudo bash
cd /usr/src/VMWare
tar xzf VMware-server-2.0.0-122956.i386.tar.gz

cd /usr/src/VMWare/vmware-server-distrib
sudo ./vmware-install.pl

Select defaults.
Enter your serial # during the installation.

Start vmware (as a user, not root)

Entre com o comando abaixo para iniciar o vmware

Depois pelo Firefox:

Siga estas instruções:
The first time you load the page, firefox will give you a warning. Go ahead and add an exception.
You will get a log in screen, log in as root.
Go to the "Permissions tab" -> click "New Permission"
From the pull down menus, add your user as an "Administrator"
Log out and back in as your user (rather then root).
To get the web interface working (console tab), first create a Virtual machine. Once you start your first VM you need to allow firefox to install an addon. To do this, start your new VM, then click on the "Console" tab. You will see a black window with a text message "The VMWare Remote Console Plug-in is not installed ..."
Click on the yellow "Install plugin". You will get a "warning" from firefox "Firefox prevented this site ( from asking you to install software on your computer". Click the "Allow" button on the upper Left and install the plugin.
You will the need to re-start firefox, again log in and start your virtual machine. This time you will get notice that the VMWare Remote Console Plug-in has been installed. Again click the Console tab. You will now see a black screen with the VMWare logo. Click anywhere in this screen to start the VMWare graphical screen (in a separate window).
From the VMWare console you have some limited options for admin of the VM (stop / reboot and access to removable devices).
You can close Firefox and your Virtual Machine will continue to run. You can close the VMWare window or even log off and the virtual machine will continue to run

Unfortunately, there is not a menu option to re-start the console, you have to re-start firefox, log in, and again start the console.

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=779934
Pode ser que ajude este fórum: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/113938;jsessionid=1C347A7C106C98E0DC16B7F230647313?tstart=15&start=15

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Troca de acesso da pasta

Um comando que sempre preciso lembrar como é: alterar o proprietário e o acesso de pastas recursivamente.

Para alterar o proprietário e grupo de uma pasta recursivamente:
sudo bash
chown -vhR root:users /home/Data
chown -vhR root:users /home/Lixeira
chown -vhR root:users /home/Public

Um conteúdo adulto pode ser restrito para um usuário apenas, por exemplo:
sudo bash
chown -vhR root:aarvati /home/Data/Pictures/Sexo
chown -vhR root:aarvati /home/Data/Video/Sexo

Alterar a permissão de acesso de uma pasta recursivamente, por exemplo a estrutura de pastas abaixo terá suas configurações alteradas:
sudo bash
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Backup
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Example
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Fax
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Machines
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Music
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Pictures
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Softs
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/Video
chmod -cR 770 /home/Data/WebSites
chmod -cR 777 /home/Public
chmod -cR 770 /home/Lixeira

Os números representam a permissão do proprietério, do grupo e de outros respectivamente.
A permissão de acesso é feita somando-se os números 4 para leitura, 2 para escrita e 1 para execução. Assim o número 7 = (4+2+1), significa acesso total de leitura, gravação e execução.

Como fazer backup do Evolution

LINK: http://www.avila.eti.br/2007/06/21/1182453660000.html

Saiba quais as pastas e arquivos necessários para o backup.

Se você, assim como eu, utiliza o Evolution no Ubuntu como cliente de e-mail, já precisou fazer backup de suas mensagens para passar para outro computador. Sinceramente, achei este esquema mais fácil do que os backups do Thunderbird.

Siga os seguintes passos para criar um backup dos e-mails/configurações do Evolution:

Passo 1: Encerre os serviços evolution e gconftool-2:

gconftool-2 --shutdown
evolution --force-shutdown

Passo 2: Crie um arquivo com os dados e os arquivos de configuração.

Nota: para salvar os dados e configurações completas do Evolution, você precisa salvar os seguintes arquivos/diretórios:
1. ~/.evolution/
2. ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/
3. ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution

O seguinte comando pode cuidar de fazer isto:
tar -cvzf evolution-backup.tar.gz .evolution .gconf/apps/evolution .gnome2_private/Evolution

Passo 3: restaurar o backup

Agora o arquivo evolution-backup.tar.gz é o backup que você tanto queria. Você pode movê-lo para um outro computador com Ubuntu, e simplesmente descompactar o arquivo dentro do diretório /home/nomedousuario para restaurar o backup.

Para fazer isto:

gconftool-2 --shutdown
evolution --force-shutdown
tar xzf evolution-backup.tar.gz
gconftool-2 --unload evolution_setting.xml
gconftool-2 --load evolution_setting.xml

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Alternativas ao MovieMaker no Ubuntu


Link: http://lives.sourceforge.net/

Ubuntu users can install LiVES simply by clicking on: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=lives
Thanks to Joao Pinto !


Link: http://www.kinodv.org/
sudo apt-get install kino


sudo apt-get install pitivi


Link: http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/
sudo apt-get install avidemux


Link: http://cinelerra.org/

Instructions to Install on Hard Heron Ubuntu
for all x86 (full working on 32 and 64 bits), by Paolo Rampino:
deb http://akirad.cinelerra.org akirad-hardy main
Installation notes:
- For your convenience you can install a package for detecting your version of Ubuntu, installing akirad repository and keeping it updated.
Just double click on the link http://akirad.cinelerra.org/pool/addakirad.deb and install it with GDebi Package Installer.
Alternatively, use the following terminal command:
wget -c http://akirad.cinelerra.org/pool/addakirad.deb && sudo dpkg -i addakirad.deb
- To update the repository information press Reload in Synaptic Package Manager (Adept for Kubuntu) or use the following terminal command:
sudo apt-get update
- 7 are the packages available in the akirad repository:
cinelerra (x86 and x86_64 without opengl 2.0 video card)
cinelerra4-repack (Heroine Virtual version)
cinelerra-generic (all x86 and x86_64 with opengl 2.0 video card)
cinelerra-k7 (amd32 without opengl 2.0 video card)
cinelerra-k7gl (amd32 with opengl 2.0 video card)
cinelerra-k8 (amd k8 optimized with opengl 2.0 video card)
cinelerra-swtc (extra Shape Wipe Transitions)
- Ubuntu Hardy moved to Pulse Audio Sound driver. Since it comes with a PulseAudio ESD compatibility layer, Cinelerra can be set to work with PulseAudio. Simply open Cinelerra and go to Settings->Preferences->Playback->Audio Driver. Select ESound and set the following parameters:
Port: 7007
- These packages set shmmax to 0x7fffffff and add non-English language support for Cinelerra.
- Please, report any package bug to akir4d at gmail dot com
for i386 (not working on amd 32 bits), by Valentina Messeri:
deb http://giss.tv/~vale/ubuntu32/hardy ./


Link: http://www.openmovieeditor.org/
sudo apt-get install openmovieeditor

Conversão de formatos restritos para formatos OPEN:

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Instalando uShare

Link sobre uPNP: https://coherence.beebits.net/wiki/Resources

link: http://ushare.geexbox.org/
At first you need to be sure that you have setup a multicast route for UPnP messages. If you don't but have a default route attributed, then this later will be used. Otherwise, simply declare a new route for UPnP multicasts (for example using eth0 interface) :
route add -net netmask eth0
uShare runs from the console only. It supports the usual --help option which displays usage and option information.
-n, --name=NAME              Set UPnP Friendly Name (default is 'uShare')
-i, --interface=IFACE        Use IFACE Network Interface (default is 'eth0')
-f, --cfg=FILE               Config file to be used
-p, --port=PORT              Forces the HTTP server to run on PORT
-q, --telnet-port=PORT       Forces the TELNET server to run on PORT
-c, --content=DIR            Share the content of DIR directory (default is './')
-w, --no-web                 Disable the control web page (enabled
by default)
-t, --no-telnet              Disable the TELNET control (enabled by default)
-o, --override-iconv-err     If iconv fails parsing name, still add to media contents (hoping the renderer can handle it)
-v, --verbose                Set verbose display.
-x, --xbox                   Use XboX 360 compliant profile
-d, --dlna                   Use DLNA compliant profile (PlayStation3 needs this)
-D, --daemon                 Run as a daemon.
-V, --version                Display the version of uShare and exit
-h, --help                   Display this help
uShare expects at least one directory argument (-c argument), specifying where multimedia files are stored. You should probably also use the -i option to specify which interface uShare should listen on.
ushare -c /shares
ushare -c /shares1 --content=/shares2
You can also perform remote control of uShare UPnP Media Server through its web interface. This let you define new content locations at runtime or update the currently shared one in case the filesystem has changed.

Just go to :
See the manual page for more details :
man ushare
Instalando uShare
sudo apt-get install ushare

sudo dpkg-reconfigure ushare

sudo gedit /etc/ushare.conf

# /etc/ushare.conf
# Edit this file with 'dpkg-reconfigure ushare'
# Configuration file for uShare

# uShare UPnP Friendly Name (default is 'uShare').

# Interface to listen to (default is eth0).
# Ex : USHARE_IFACE=eth1

# Port to listen to (default is random from IANA Dynamic Ports range)
# Ex : USHARE_PORT=49200

# Port to listen for Telnet connections

# Directories to be shared (space or CSV list).
# Ex: USHARE_DIR=/dir1,/dir2

# Use to override what happens when iconv fails to parse a file name.
# The default uShare behaviour is to not add the entry in the media list
# This option overrides that behaviour and adds the non-iconv'ed string into
# the media list, with the assumption that the renderer will be able to
# handle it. Devices like Noxon 2 have no problem with strings being passed
# as is. (Umlauts for all!)
# Options are TRUE/YES/1 for override and anything else for default behaviour

# Enable Web interface (yes/no)

# Enable Telnet control interface (yes/no)

# Use XboX 360 compatibility mode (yes/no)

# Use DLNA profile (yes/no)
# This is needed for PlayStation3 to work (among other devices)

E por fim:
sudo route add -net netmask eth0

sudo /etc/init.d/ushare restart

Também pode-se utilizar do site: http://localhost:49200/web/ushare.html

Códigos para Nokia N95

Abaixo uma lista dos códigos disponiveis para o N95:
Retirado de:
e http://alexm.unetvale.com.br/blog/2008/04/codigos-para-seu-n95/

Please apply these codes at your own risk!
If you are not completely crazyand use them appropriately, they can
indeed come in quite handy one day!
*#06# – IMEI (serial number).
Structure of the IMEI:XXXXXX (TAC) XX (FAC) XXXXXX (SNR) X (SP)
TAC = type approval code
FAC = final assembly code
SNR = serial number
SP = spare
*#0000# – phone model, firmware version and date
*#7370# or *#res0# – full phone format, wipes everything clean. default
security code 12345 until changed by the user
*#7780# – phone reset, clears settings without deleting most data.
default security code 12345 until changed by the user
*#7370925538# or *#res0wallet# – deletes everything in the wallet,
in case of lost password
*#92702689# or *#war0anty# – lifetime timer
*#2820# or *#bta0# – displays the N95’s bluetooth MAC address
*#62209526# or *#mac0wlan# – displays the N95’s WLAN MAC address
[Green]+[def3]+[*+] – fail-safe reformat, use this as a last resort
if the regular format codes do not work or if the phone won’t completely boot normally

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Asterisk com o Nokia N95


Instalando Pidgin com Skype

Link: http://eion.robbmob.com/
Alternativa: http://www.stumblerz.de/?p=122

Instale os programas com: sudo apt-get install skype pidgin

Os repositórios medibuntu serão acionados. Ver post específico.

Depois instale o pacote que permite acessar o skype pelo pidgin:
wget http://eion.robbmob.com/skype4pidgin.deb
sudo dpkg -i skype4pidgin.deb

Instruções detalhadas do site: http://eion.robbmob.com/README.txt

Skype plugin for Pidgin/Adium/libpurple

If you've found this file then you'll probably realise that this is the Skype plugin for libpurple.  Yes, it does require Skype to be running as it uses the Skype API to communicate with a running copy of Skype.  The Windows and Linux versions were made by me in a week.  The OS X version has taken lots longer, but it needed reverse engineering of the Skype.framework before it was GPL compatable.


It seems people have wanted a Skype plugin for Gaim/Pidgin/Adium for a long time, however it seems to be rare to find a glib coder who uses Pidgin who also uses Skype.  There seems to have been a lot of stigma over Skype being closed-source and evil, however there has still been a demand for this plugin and the end-user has suffered for long enough.  That was kind of my motivation.  Plus I enjoy both Pidgin and Skype and it made sense to me to combine the two.  I know it's not the ideal solution (to still have Skype running), but if you're going to have it running, you might as well have your buddies in one place, right?


For the binary version of the plugin, either install the appropriate package or .exe for your distro or copy libskype to the appropriate plugins directory.  On Windows its normally C:\Program Files\Pidgin\plugins, on Linux it's normally /usr/lib/purple-2/ or ~/.purple/plugins
On OSX, double click on SkypePlugin.AdiumPlugin to install (may need a restart of Adium).  You may need to delete the old version which is at ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Plugins.  If upgrading to Adium 1.2, you will need to delete the account and re-add it.

To install swanky looking icons, extract skype_icons.zip to the pixmaps/pidgin/protocols directory (on Windows, C:\Program Files\Pidgin\pixmaps\pidgin\protocols).
To have the right smilies/emotes in your Skype chat messages, copy themes into the pixmaps/pidgin/emotes/default folder.

To compile from source, the easiest way is extract libskype.zip into the ${PIDGIN_SOURCE}/libpurple/plugins/ directory and compile using "make libpurple.so" or "make -f Makefile.mingw libpurple.dll"

Known Issues

* Pidgin crashes at startup if Skype not running (Linux)
* No notification popup on file being received/notificaitons (Windows)

* Skype sounds still play even when it's hidden

* Adium doesn't show file transfer progress (OS X)
* Unable to send file from within Adium (API Limitation)
* Send file doesn't use the built in libpurple methods. (API Limitation)
* Linux version still opens up Skype message windows. (API Limitation)
* Linux/OSX version doesn't show buddy icons. (API Limitation)
* No typing notifications with official Skype clients. (API Limitation)


Q: Does this plugin require Skype to be running?
A: Yes.

Q: Can you make a version that doesn't need Skype?
A: Not possible right now.

Q: What version of Pidgin do I need to be able to run this plugin?
A: You need at least version 2.1.1 of Pidgin.  You can download updates to Pidgin from www.pidgin.im

Q: What version of Adium do I need to be able to run this plugin?
A: You need version 1.2 to run the latest version of the plugin or 1.1 to run the older version of the plugin.  You can download updates to Adium from www.adiumx.com

Q: Where can I get the protocol icons?
A: Download skype_icons.zip from this website and install the icons into the appropriate pixmaps/pidgin/protocols directory.

Q: How can I hide the Skype icon from the tray?
A: I'm planning to automate and make this cross-platform.

Q: How can I hide the Skype icon from the tray on Windows?
A: Right click on the taskbar, click Properties, click the Customize... button, find Skype in the list, click on it, choose 'Always Hide' from the drop-down box.

Q: How can I hide Skype in OSX?
A: Focus (click on) the Skype window, press ⌘+H to hide the application.  Alternativly, focus the Skype window and choose 'Hide Skype' from the 'Skype' menu.

Q: How can I hide Skype in Linux?
A: A bit more tricky.  What works well for me, is turning off message windows in the Notifications settings in Skype (Options->Chat->Display an event notification).  Otherwise, you can leave the message window open, but move it to another workspace so that it doesn't bother you any more.

Q: The Windows version has feature "X", but the Linux/OSX version doesn't
A: The API on Linux/OSX is more restrictive than the Windows API.  Try keeping up to date with the latest versions of Skype to take advantage of these features as they are implemented by the Skype developers.

Q: Why is "Send file..." not in the conversation menu, but in the "More..." menu instead?
A: The short answer is that Skype doesn't allow file sending in the way that libpurple wants, so it has to do it through a Skype popup instead of a Pidgin popup

Q: I set my status to "Away" but Skype still shows me as "Online"?
A: For some reason the Skype tray icon isn't always what is being seen at the other end.  Just ignore it :)

Q: On OSX, I get bugged with the "Allow API Access" window from Skype every time Adium starts?
A: Turn on "access for assistive devices" See: http://images.apple.com/applescript/uiscripting/gfx/gui.03.jpg


If you've got any questions/problems/comments with this plugin, feel free to flick me an email at eion@robbmob.com or chat message on Skype at bigbrownchunx.

Although none of this is necessary in my country, it may apply in yours.  New Zealand law permits reverse-engineering for purposes of interoperability, so the following legal notices are just a courtesy.

Skype API Terms of Use:
The following statement must be displayed in the documentation of this appliction:
This plugin "uses Skype Software" to display contacts, and chat to Skype users from within Pidgin
"This product uses the Skype API but is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Skype"

The use of this plugin requries your acceptance of the Skype EULA (http://www.skype.com/intl/en/company/legal/eula/index.html) which you already accepted when you installed Skype.

Skype is the trademark of Skype Limited


Elisa Media Center

Link: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-elisa-media-center-in-ubuntu.html

Para instalar no ubuntu hardy: apt://elisa

ou acrescente a linha eem sources.list e depois:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/elisa-developers/ubuntu hardy  main
$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude install elisa elisa-plugins-ugly

Primeiras instruções: https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/FirstRun

Exemplo de Pastas adicionadas:
locations = ['file:///movies/video/Video/', 'file:///music/Music', 'file:///documents/Downloads/Music']
auto_locations = 1

label = 'TV'
only_media = ['video']
location_type = 'local'

label = 'Music'
only_media = ['audio']
location_type = 'local'

lablel = 'New Music'
only_media = ['audio']

location_type = 'local'

Lista de Pacotes para turbinar Ubuntu (multimedia)

Link: http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/dica/Preparando-seu-Ubuntu-7.04-para-tudo-em-multimidia/

Link: http://ubuntuforum-pt.org/index.php?topic=15522.0

sudo apt-get install twolame lame wv mpc flac
ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-fonts cpdvd faac faad ffmpeg mp3gain x264 mpg123 mpg321 gqmpeg regionset mjpegtools sox mplayer mplayer-fonts mplayer-skins mozilla-mplayer xine-ui libxine1 libxine1-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer-tools gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-sdl

sudo apt-get install python-coherence

sudo apt-get install rar unrar p7zip p7zip-full unace

Link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2 acroread acroread-plugins mozilla-acroread

sudo apt-get install timidity-interfaces-extra timidity playmidi

then set all midis to open with the command: timidity -ig
The -ig opens it with a GTK gui.

Edite o arquivo sudo gedit /etc/modules e adicione a linha:

crie o diretório mkdir /usr/share/midi/instruments
baixe o arquivo: http://osdir.com/ml/audio.timidity++.general/2006-05/txtjArfghS5FL.txt
e salve como /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg
antes renomeie o arquivo anterior como .old para guardá-lo.
GUS patches:http://www.dcee.net/Files/Music/Gus/
Pro Patches Lite 1.50
wget http://www.dcee.net/Files/Music/Gus/pplt_150.arj
wget http://www.dcee.net/Files/Music/Gus/pplt_150.a01
wget http://www.dcee.net/Files/Music/Gus/pplt_150.a02
wget http://www.dcee.net/Files/Music/Gus/pplt_150.a03
sudo apt-get install arj
arj e pplt_150.arj

No Link tem deb para instalar timidity-patches: http://dir.filewatcher.com/d/Debian/all/sound/timidity-patches_0.1-5_all.deb.10509736.html

iPod on Ubuntu


mserv - jukebox-style music server

Link: http://www.mserv.org/

Link para cliente PHP: http://dougiamas.com/mserv/src/mserv-php-090.tgz
Link do desenvolvedor: http://dougiamas.com/mserv/

Quando instalar mserv, acesse com http://localhost/mserv
De início tem dois usuários:
user=root, pass=root, access=MASTER
user=guest, pass=guest, access=GUEST

Para instalar utilize o comando:
sudo apt-get install mserv mserv-cgi mserv-client mpg123 vorbis-tools music123 mpg321

Uma explicação do que é o mserv esta em: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4434

DLNA Server - fuppes


How-to's para analisar

Como ter um mirror do apt local.
Link: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror

Integrating amavisd-new Into Postfix For Spam- And Virus-Scanning
Link: http://www.howtoforge.com/amavisd_postfix_debian_ubuntu

Instalando eeepc-ubuntu on 1000H

Link: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/
Link: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=38030

Primeiro instale o ubuntu através de um cartão de memória ou pendrive com o utilitário UNetbootin. É preciso que o cartão esteja formatado com FAT32 e tenha 1Gb.
Utilize a distro :

Pode criar um USB distro com o software abaixo:

Instruções em inglês no site:

adicionar a linha: deb http://www.array.org/ubuntu hardy eeepc
com os comandos:
wget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array.list
sudo mv -v array.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

chave pública:
wget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array-apt-key.asc
sudo apt-key add array-apt-key.asc

Atualize o cache do apt: sudo apt-get update

Instalação do kernel personalizado para o eeepc:
sudo apt-get install linux-eeepc linux-headers-eeepc

Reinicie pelo novo kernel, se der tudo certo retire as referências ao kernel genérico:
sudo apt-get remove linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic

opcionalmente instaale também:
sudo apt-get install linux-image-eeepc

Altere o /etc/fstab retirando a linha do cdrom para não ter conflitos no futuru:
/dev/sdc1       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       0

Depois crie o diretório: sudo mkdir /media/MMCSD
e acrescente no sudo gedit /etc/fstab :
/dev/sdb1 /media/MMCSD auto user,auto,exec,rw 0 0

Para trabalhar com telas pequenas faça:
gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_font --type string "Sans 8"
gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/document_font_name --type string "Sans 8"
gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name --type string "Sans 8"
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font --type string "Sans Bold 8"
gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name --type string "Monospace 8"
gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style --type string "icons"
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/compiz/plugins/move/allscreens/options/constrain_y 0

Correções de recursos de som:

sudo gedit /etc/acpi/events/eeepc-hotkey

event=hotkey ATKD
action=/etc/acpi/eeepc-hotkeys.sh %e

sudo gedit /etc/acpi/eeepc-hotkeys.sh
case $code in
# Fn+F7 -- mute/unmute speakers
acpi_fakekey 113
# Fn+F8 -- decrease volume
acpi_fakekey 114
# Fn+F9 -- increase volume
acpi_fakekey 115

E depois:

sudo chmod +x /etc/acpi/eeepc-hotkeys.sh

sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart

gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/sound/default_mixer_tracks --type list --list-type string "[PCM]"

Executar módulos ao iniciar o eeepc:
sudo gedit /etc/modules

pciehp pciehp_debug=1 pciehp_force=1

Tem post que aconselha estes módulos:
pciehp pciehp_debug=1 pciehp_force=1
snd_hda_intel model=auto

Mas este comentário é interessante:

NOTE: The EeePC does require extra modules not included in this list (like rt2860sta, atl1e, eeepc_acpi,
snd_hda_intel), but Ubuntu should automatically load them on startup. There is no need to explicitly specify these modules within this
Mais dicas em: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewforum.php?id=43

Script que promete corrigir muita coisa sobre as teclas especiais:

Para ter tecla especial de wireless pode ser feito:
sudo gedit /etc/acpi/eeepc-wireless-toggle.sh
WLANSTATE=$(cat $wlan_control)
case $WLANSTATE in
ifconfig ath0 down
modprobe -r ath_pci
echo 0 > $wlan_control
modprobe -r pciehp
modprobe pciehp pciehp_force=1 pciehp_debug=1
echo 1 > $wlan_control
modprobe ath_pci
echo 0 > $wlan_control
echo 1 > $wlan_control
Para evitar o início do evolution quando conecta o cabo de força:
sudo chmod -x /etc/acpi/mailbtn.sh

Melhorando a nevagação: https://launchpad.net/netbook-remix

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ubuntu hardy main

Não instale o pacote: ume-config-netbook
Instale somente:
sudo apt-get install go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus metacity ume-launcher window-picker-applet

Once installed, you'll need to add maximus to autostart for your session. You'll also need to setup the gnome-panel to look like the
screenshots, basically:
* Delete bottom panel
* Setup top panel like: GoHomeApplet|WindowPickerApplet|NotificationArea|MixerApplet|Clock
O resultado é algo do tipo:

Outros temas:
  1. Save the file HumanCompact.tar.bz2 to your computer.
  2. Open the gnome’s appearence dialog with System > Preferences > Appearance.
  3. Drag and drop the downloaded file into the Theme tab of the appearance dialog.
  4. Choose “Apply new theme” in the popup dialog.
Para ter controle sobre a frequencia da CPU instale:
sudo apt-get remove powernowd
sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils sysfsutils
sudo modprobe p4_clockmod

A CPU ficará lenta até que se altere o arquivo:
sudo gedit /etc/sysfs.conf
adicionando a linha: devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor = ondemand

e colocando no arquivo sudo gedit /etc/modules as linhas:

E crie dois arquivos com os comandos abaixo:
sudo echo > /etc/acpi/ac.d/90-cpufreq.sh '#!/bin/sh'
sudo echo >> /etc/acpi/ac.d/90-cpufreq.sh '/usr/bin/cpufreq-selector -g performance'
sudo echo > /etc/acpi/battery.d/90-cpufreq.sh '#!/bin/sh'
sudo echo >> /etc/acpi/battery.d/90-cpufreq.sh '/usr/bin/cpufreq-selector -g ondemand'
sudo chmod +x /etc/acpi/ac.d/90-cpufreq.sh
sudo chmod +x /etc/acpi/battery.d/90-cpufreq.sh

Agora faça um rebbot....

Com o comando abaixo usuários normais podem alterar a frequencia da cpu com o applet apropriado:
sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector

Os comandos abaixo resolvem algumas questões de desligamento de camera, etc...
sudo apt-get install module-assistant eeepc-acpi-source
sudo m-a a-i eeepc-acpi
sudo sh -c 'echo eeepc-acpi >> /etc/modules'

Problemas com som podem ser resolvidos adicionando ao arquivo:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/snd-hda-intel
o texto:
options snd-hda-intel model=auto

Altere o arquivo:
sudo gedit /etc/default/alsa
alterando a linha para:

Crie o arquivo: sudo gedit /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/45sound
if [ ! -x /sbin/alsa ]; then
exit 0;
case "$1" in
/sbin/alsa suspend
/sbin/alsa resume
exit $?

e depois:
sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/45sound

Para configurar swap file ou invés de uma partição:
ou mais simples: sudo apt-get install swapd
e configuração:
# swapd.conf - config file for swapd
# Copyright 2000 Neven Lovric 

# Memory limit in kilobytes.
# When the total amount of free memory gets below this number, swapd creates
# a new swap file.
# 16384 or more recommended
memlimit 85660

# Pause between memory checks in miliseconds.
# When the total amount of free memory is above , swapd will pause
# for  miliseconds before checking memory again.
# 1000 should be ok for most systems
pause 1000

# Swap file size in kilobytes.
# >= 64, 4096 recommended
swapsize 131072

# Maximum number of swap files.
# No more than  swap files will be used.
# 0 = unlimited (as many as the kernel will allow)
# 8 = maximum number of swaps in the default kernel
maxswaps 0

# Timeout in seconds.
# If the last created swap file is unused for  seconds, it will be
# removed. The last created swapfile is considered unused when there are
# more than  +  kb of free memory (physical + swap).
# 60 is nice
timeout 60

# Swap directory where all the swap files are kept.
swapdir /swap

# PID file (where the currently running swapd stores it's PID so a new swapd
# can find it)
pidfile /var/run/swapd.pid

# Full path to mkswap.
mkswap /sbin/mkswap

Link genérico: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/

Uma forma de instalar Wine

Link: http://tecnologia.comopiniao.com.br/linux/como-instalar-o-google-chrome-no-ubuntu/


Primeiro, vamos adicionar o repositório com a última versão do wine, para isso, basta digitar os comandos abaixo:
wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
Agora, vamos instalar a última versão do Wine
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine
Vamos precisar de algumas bibliotecas que são necessárias para o Chrome rodar, para isso, vamos usar o Winetricks
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks cp winetricks /usr/sbin sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/winetricks winetricks riched20 riched30 flash
Esses comandos vão instalar o próprio Winetricks, as bibliotecas riched20, riched32 e o plugin flash.

Algumas opções do winetricks:
Link: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks

Usage: winetricks [options] package [package] ...

This script can help you prepare your system for Windows applications that mistakenly assume all users' systems have all the needed redistributable runtime libraries or fonts. Some options require the Linux 'cabextract' program.

-q quiet. You must have already agreed to the EULAs.
-v verbose
-V display Version

art2kmin MS Access 2000 runtime. License required!
colorprofile Standard RGB color profile
comctl32 MS common controls 5.80
comctl32.ocx MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32
wrappers for VB6
corefonts MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
dcom98 MS DCOM, override the Wine implementation
dirac0.8 the obsolete Dirac 0.8 directshow filter
Sponsored by Lattica
directx9 MS DirectX 9 user redistributable MoinMoin Powered
divx divx video codec
dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license)
dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license)
ffdshow ffdshow video codecs
flash Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
fontfix Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
gdiplus MS gdiplus.dll (from powerpoint viewer)
gecko The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
icodecs Intel Codecs (Indeo)
jet40 MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
liberation Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif,Mono)
mdac25 MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
mdac27 MS MDAC 2.7
mdac28 MS MDAC 2.8
mfc40 MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
mfc42 MS mfc42 (see vcrun6 below)
mono19 mono-1.9.1-gtksharp-2.10.4-win32-2
msi2 MS Installer 2.0
msls31 MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
msxml3 MS XML version 3
msxml4 MS XML version 4
msxml6 MS XML version 6
ogg ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex,vorbis, schroedinger
pdh MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
quicktime72 Apple Quicktime 7.2
riched20 MS riched20 and riched32
riched30 MS riched30
tahoma MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
vb3run MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
vb4run MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
vb5run MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
vb6run MS Visual Basic 6 runtime
vcrun6 MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42,msvcp60, msvcrt)
vcrun2003 MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries(mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
vcrun2005 MS Visual C++ 2005 libraries(mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
vcrun2005sp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries
vcrun2008 MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries(mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 libraries (requires dotnet20)
wmp9 MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license)
wmp10 MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license)
wsh51 MS Windows Scripting Host 5.1
wsh56 MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
wsh56js MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, nocscript
wsh56vb MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only,no cscript
xvid xvid video codec

autohotkey Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
firefox3 Firefox Version 3
kde KDE for Windows installer
mpc Media Player Classic
vlc VLC media player

allfonts All listed fonts (corefonts, tahoma, liberation)
allcodecs All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow, icodecs)
fakeie6 Set registry to claim IE6sp1 is installed
native_mdac Override odbc32 and odbccp32
nt40 Set windows version to nt40
win98 Set windows version to Windows 98
win2k Set windows version to Windows 2000
winxp Set windows version to Windows XP
vista Set windows version to Windows Vista
winver= Set windows version to default (winxp)
volnum Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)

sources.list para analisar

Vale a pena dar uma olhada nestes topicos disponiveis com o source.llist abaixo:

Sources.list do Ubuntu 8.04 com fontes para o Ubuntu Tweak e o GNU Enterprise.

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu hardy main

deb http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads current/


Link: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2008/07/fetchmail-configuration.html

First make an empty file named “.fetchmailrc” in your home directory. The easiest way for it is to use the command “touch”.
$ cd ~/
$ touch .fetchmailrc

Then change the permission of that file to 600 (that is, readable and writable only by the owner of the file).
$ chmod 600 .fetchmailrc

Now add these lines to .fetchmailrc file

poll SERVER with proto PROTOCOL
user REMOTE_USER there with password REMOTE_PASSWORD is LOCAL_USER here

You must replace all the capital-letter words with the real values.

SERVER is the name of server you use to receive e-mails.
PROTOCOL is the type of SERVER (for example, IMAP or POP3). If you don’t know, use AUTO.
REMOTE_USER is the user name of the account you have on the SERVER.
REMOTE_PASSWORD is the password for REMOTE_USER.
LOCAL_USER is the user name of the account you have on your machine. Don’t use “root”.

Example: You can have multiple account configuration

poll pop.anydomain.com with proto POP3
user nikesh there with password password is otheruser here

poll pop.otherdomain with proto POP3
user user1 there with password pass is user2 here

It’s the time to run fetchmail.
$ fetchmail

You can use “-v” option to see what is going on.
$ fetchmail -v

For an automatic pick-up of your mail, you could write your own script that calls fetchmail every hour and delivers the mail. But in stead of using the cron-daemon you can start fetchmail also in daemon mode. This is very easily done by this command : fetchmail –daemon 3600

Interval (3600) is a numeric argument that specifies the polling interval in seconds.

Link : http://www.howtoforge.com/debian_etch_fetchmail

Fetchmail is a program for retrieving emails from remote servers. Imagine you have five email accounts on five different servers. Of course, you don't want to connect to each of them to get your emails. This is where fetchmail comes into play. If you have a user account on a Linux server, you can make fetchmail download emails from remote servers and put them into just one mailbox (the one of your Linux user), from where you can retrieve them with your email client (e.g. Thunderbird or Outlook).
Or imagine you have an email account at a provider that doesn't do spam- and virus filtering. In that case you could use fetchmail to download the mails to your own server and pipe them through spam- and virus filters (e.g. SpamAssassin and ClamAV) before you download the mails with your email client.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
apt-get install fetchmail
gedit /etc/default/fetchmail
# This file will be used to declare some vars for fetchmail
gedit /etc/fetchmailrc

# /etc/fetchmailrc for system-wide daemon mode
# This file must be chmod 0600, owner fetchmail

set daemon        300                # Pool every 5 minutes
set syslog                        # log through syslog facility
set postmaster  root
set no bouncemail                # avoid loss on 4xx errors
# on the other hand, 5xx errors get
# more dangerous...

# Hosts to pool

# Defaults ===============================================================
# Set antispam to -1, since it is far safer to use that together with
# no bouncemail
timeout 300
antispam -1
batchlimit 100

poll pop.someprovider.tld protocol POP3 user "[email protected]" there with password "secret" is falko here
poll mail.otherprovider.tld protocol POP3 user "ftimme" there with password "verysecurepassword" is falko here fetchall
poll mailin.tillsprovider.tld protocol POP3 user "tbrehm" there with password "iwonttellyou" is till here keep

At the beginning of the file we have some global options such as set daemon 300 (which means fetchmail should retrieve emails every 300 seconds) that control the operation of the program. The meanings of the above options are as follows:
  • set daemon: Set a background poll interval in seconds.
  • set syslog: Do error logging through syslog.
  • set postmaster: Give the name of the last-resort mail recipient (default: user running fetchmail, "postmaster" if run by the root user).
  • set no bouncemail: Direct error mail to the local postmaster (as per the "postmaster" global option above).
Then we have the server and the user options options. These go together into the lines beginning with poll; if there are options that are the same for each poll line, we can as well specify them before the poll lines in a section that begins with defaults: (such as timeout, antispam, and batchlimit in our example).
  • timeout: Server inactivity timeout in seconds (default 300).
  • antispam: Specify what SMTP returns are interpreted as spam-policy blocks.
  • batchlimit: Specify the maximum number of messages that will be shipped to an SMTP listener before the connection is deliberately torn down and rebuilt (defaults to 0, meaning no limit).
The poll lines are self-explanatory; as you see fetchmail retrieves emails from both of falko's external email accounts and puts them into one account.
You will notice that the poll lines have different endings (e.g. nofetchall (default), fetchall, keep, nokeep). The meanings are as follows:
  • nofetchall: Retrieve only new messages (default). If nothing else is specified (e.g. fetchall, keep), this means nofetchall.
  • fetchall: Fetch all messages whether seen or not.
  • keep: Don't delete seen messages from server.
  • nokeep: Delete seen messages from server.
To learn more about all available configuration settings, take a look at man fetchmail
chmod 600 /etc/fetchmailrc
chown fetchmail /etc/fetchmailrc
/etc/init.d/fetchmail start

Outro Link: http://www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Set_Up_a_Debian_or_Ubuntu_Machine_as_a_Maildrop

Compartilhar Internet ou DCHP Server

Compartilhamento de Internet

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370

1. Start by configuring the network card that interfaces to the other computers on you network:
# ifconfig ethX ip
where ethX is the network card and ip is your desired server ip address (Usually is used)

2. Then configure the NAT as follows:
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE
where ethX is the network card that the Internet is coming from
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

3. Install dnsmasq and ipmasq using apt-get:
# apt-get install dnsmasq ipmasq

4. Restart dnsmasq:
# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

5. Reconfigure ipmasq to start after networking has been started:
# dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq

6. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

7. Add the line "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" to /etc/sysctl.conf
# gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

8. Reboot. (Optional)

DHCP Server

Link: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-setup-dhcp-server-and-dynamic-dns-with-bind-in-debian.html
Link: http://lani78.wordpress.com/2008/08/12/dhcp-server-update-dns-records/
Link: http://lani78.wordpress.com/2008/08/09/setting-up-a-dns-for-the-local-network/
Link: http://lani78.wordpress.com/2008/08/10/setting-up-a-dhcp-server-on-ubuntu-hardy-heron/

sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server
Note: Don’t be alarmed if the startup fails; that’s because you haven’t configured it yet.

First, we need to tell the DHCP server to only run on eth1:
sudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server

enter the following line save and exit file.

sudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
ddns-update-style none;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
#Máscara da rede
option subnet-mask;
#Broadcast que será utilizado na rede
option broadcast-address;
#Roteador da rede que neste caso será o próprio servidor DHCP
option routers;
#Servidor de domínio da rede (DNS) que também é o próprio servidor
option domain-name-servers;
#Nome do domínio da rede
option domain-name "casa.lan";
#Aqui mostra qual a rede que será utilizada no DHCP Server e o
#range de IPs que será utilizado para enviar para as máquinas da rede
subnet netmask {
option routers router.casa.lan;

Configurar interface ETH1
cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.old
gedit /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart        
/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start

Ldap com Mysql

Link genérico:

Como fazer a instalação:

apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

Edite o arquivo /etc/ldap/slapd.conf e troque todos os dc para o dc que você quiser.
Por exemplo: dc=casa,dc=lan

Descomente a instrução:
rootdn "cn=admin,dc=casa,dc=lan"

E acrescente uma linha de senha que é gerada pelo comando:

Por ex:
rootpw {SSHA}vv2y+i6V6esazrIv70xSSnNAJE18bb2u

Reinicie o ldap server:
invoke-rc.d slapd restart

Ferramentas GUI:
apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-cgi php5-ldap
apt-get install phpldapadmin

Talvez seja necessário aumentar a meméria disponível para o php5 no arquivo:
e reiniciar o apache com:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Edit o arquivo /etc/ldap/ldap.conf

Ports for the Firewall
LDAP runs on port 389/tcp by default and LDAP over SSL is 636/tcp.

Para reindexar utilize os comandos:
invoke-rc.d slapd stop
slapindex -v
chown openldap /etc/ldap/*.conf
invoke-rc.d slapd start

Para acertar o log edite o arquivo /etc/syslog.conf e coloque no final:
local4.* /var/log/ldap.log

Reinicie o log:
invoke-rc.d sysklogd restart

Instale agora a ferramenta de gerenciamento da base via shell:
apt-get install ldapscripts
Se dermos um "ldapsearch -x" ele nos mostra a base inteira LDAP.

Pode ser usado em conjunto com samba:
Modify you smb.conf file to call the scripts :
# [...]
add machine script = /usr/bin/ldapaddmachine ‘%u’ sambamachines
add user script = /usr/bin/ldapadduser ‘%u’ sambausers
add group script = /usr/bin/ldapaddgroup ‘%g’
add user to group script = /usr/bin/ldapaddusertogroup ‘%u’ ‘%g’
delete user script = /usr/bin/ldapdeleteuser ‘%u’
delete group script = /usr/bin/ldapdeletegroup ‘%g’
delete user from group script = /usr/bin/ldapdeleteuserfromgroup ‘%u’ ‘%g’
set primary group script = /usr/bin/ldapsetprimarygroup ‘%u’ ‘%g’
rename user script = /usr/bin/ldaprenameuser ‘%uold’ ‘%unew’
# [...]

Instalando o libnss-ldap (muitas vezes isso é instalado no momento da instalação do ldapscripts):
# aptitude install libnss-ldap
host address: IP da máquina
destinguished name ou dn: dc=vivaolinux,dc=com,dc=br
ldap version: 3
login database: no
readable/writable: no

Instalando o libpam-ldap (muitas vezes isso é instalado no momento da instalação do ldapscripts):
# aptitude install libpam-ldap
Make local root database admin: yes
Database requires logging in: no
root login account: cn=admin,dc=vivaolinux,dc=com,dc=br
root passwd: senha do admin
local crypt to use when changing passwords: crypt

Editar o arquivo /etc/nsswitch.conf:
passwd: compat ldap
group: compat ldap
shadow: compat ldap

O restante permanece a mesma coisa.

Agora iremos fazer com que o sistema busque os usuários na base LDAP.
Editar arquivo /etc/pam.d/common-account:
account sufficient pam_ldap.so
account required pam_unix.so
session required /lib/security/pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022
Editar o arquivo /etc/pam.d/common-auth:
auth sufficient pam_ldap.so
auth required pam_unix.so nullok_secure try_first_pass
Editar o arquivo /etc/common-password:
password sufficient pam_unix.so nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
password required pam_ldap.so try_first_pass
Editar o arquivo /etc/common-session:
session sufficient pam_ldap.so
session required pam_unix.so

Pronto! Sua base está autenticando no LDAP.

Coloque o schema samba disponível:
cp /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/LDAP/samba.schema.gz /etc/ldap/schema/
gzip -d /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema.gz

E adicione:
include /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/misc.schema

Altere a linha:
access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange,sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword

Howto setup Handbrake including GUI from svn in Ubuntu

Link: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/07/howto-setup-handbrake-including-gui.html

First get the medibuntu version of ffmpeg (makes more codecs available),but first remove any old ffmpeg,open a terminal and enter.

sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg

then enter.

sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

then enter.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

then enter.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Next Install the dependencies for Handbrake and the gtk gui.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install automake build-essential jam libdvdcss2-dev libtool subversion yasm zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev dvdbackup xmlto texinfo g77 gfortran libgtk2.0-dev nasm doxygen libsdl1.2-dev gfortran-multilib gcc-multilib g++-multilib libesd0-dev libgtk1.2-dev libfftw3-dev electric-fence

Next install and build Handbrake.svn and gtk gui (enter each line seperately,it will take some time to build)...

svn co svn://svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake/trunk HandBrake

cd HandBrake



sudo make install

cd Handbrake/gtk



sudo make install

HandBrake should be available from the Applications menu under Sound & Video

The message tells you what's wrong: "no suitable assembler found. Install yasm" But if you check, you already did, so a quick search in the Ubuntu forums results in a post that states the yasm available in the repo is not a good one. Go to http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/wiki/Download to grab 0.7.0 or higher (I grabbed 0.7.1).

Once I did that, HandBrake built just fine. Of course, don't forget to remove the old yasm before installing the newer version.


Ubuntu com placa com saída para TV

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96765

Altere o arquivo /etc/X11/xorg.conf conforme indicado:

Save a backup copy of this file as xorg.conf.back before you do any editing and then edit the following sections:
In the "Module" section comment out these two lines:
#Load "GLcore"
#Load "dri"

and also make sure that the following line is in the "Module" section
Load "glx"

Then Go to the "Device" section and change the following line:
Driver "nv"

Driver "nvidia"

And voila, you've successfully updated the driver to the nvidia driver. In order for this to take effect you'll need to restart the x-server, and if you've changed it properly a pretty NVidia screen should pop up before your login. If you want this screen to go away add the following line to the "Device" section:
Option "NoLogo" "1"

If this doesn't work, you should be loaded automatically into the command line, but if you're just staring at a blank screen hit CTRL+ALT+F1 to exit into the command line and type the following command:
$ cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and then restart the x server.

Configuring 2 screens:

First we need to alter the "Device" section by altering the Identifier and adding a screen line:
Identifier "nvidia0"
Screen 0

Then we need to create a second "Device" section:
Section "Device"
Identifier "nvidia1"
Driver "nvidia"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Screen 1
Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"

IMPORTANT: make sure that the value of BusID is the same as the value of BusID in the first device section.

For the TVOutFormat and TVStandard values please substitute in the appropriate values (e.g. if you are using composite out then substitute "COMPOSITE" for "SVIDEO" or if you're standard is PAL-B substitute "PAL-B" for "NTSC-M"), for more on this see the nvidia readme appendix J.

What we've done here is divided our nvidia card into two seperate devices that are going to provide picture out to two seperate monitors each running its own screen.

Next we need to change the existing "Monitor" section's identifier to:
Identifier "Monitor0"

and then create a second monitor section for our TV:
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor1" #TV
Option "HorizSync" "30-50"
Option "VertRefresh" "60"

Now that we've set up both of our monitors we need to set up the screens that will be displayed on each. In the existing screen section you'll need to change the identifier, device and monitor lines to match the following:
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "nvidia0"
Monitor "Monitor0"

and then you'll need to add a second screen section for your TV:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen1"
Device "nvidia1"
Monitor "Monitor1"
DefaultDepth 16
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "800x600"

Make sure that default depth for the TV is the same as the default depth for your other monitor. You may also have to screw around with the modes, 800x600 works for my tv and will probably work for most TVs, but if you have a better TV you may want to try 1024x768 or other resolutions.
The last thing we need to do is set up the "ServerLayout" section so that X knows how to set up your new configuration (Note: keep your own InputDevice settings for this):
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "SimpleLayout"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
Screen 1 "Screen1" leftOf "Screen0"

If your TV is to the right of your primary monitor change the leftOf to rightOf. Once you've finished this save your xorg.conf file, make sure your TV is hooked up to your computer and restart. You'll notice that if you watch a movie in full-screen on the TV it doesn't effect your primary monitor at all and you can use your computer to still do whatever you want.

Soluções de Backup

Bacula : http://www.bacula.com/en/

BackupPC : http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/index.html

apt-get install backuppc

troque a senha do usuário backuppc com o comando
sudo htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd backuppc

Restore-backup : http://restore-backup.com

Após instalação edite o arquivo /etc/restore/restore.yml

Welcome to the Restore Repository for Debian/Ubuntu
To add this repository, add one of these to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://distro.holonyx.com/restore etch main
deb http://distro.holonyx.com/restore edgy main
deb http://distro.holonyx.com/restore feisty main
deb http://distro.holonyx.com/restore gutsy main

Add our repository's signature:
# wget -O - http://distro.holonyx.com/restore/restore.asc | sudo apt-key add -
To install the packages for Restore Enterprise Edition:
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install restore-ee

To install the packages for Restore Data Center Edition:
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install restore-dc

Backup Simples com comando tar

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087

comando para backup:
tar cvpjf backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /

para restore (cuidado pois sobrescreverá tudo):
tar xvpfj backup.tar.bz2 -C /

Recrie os diretórios excluídos:
mkdir proc
mkdir lost+found
mkdir mnt
mkdir sys

Mensagens durante boot

Link: http://www.go2linux.org/bootlogd-to-read-boot-console-messages

Edite o arquivo /etc/default/bootlogd e o log será criado em: /var/log/boot

# Run bootlogd at startup ?

Também pode utilizar o comando:

Ou dar uma olhada no arquivo: /var/log/dmesg


Trocar mensagem de boas vindas

Link: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=671603

edite o arquivo /var/run/motd

Adicionar usuário a um grupo

Link: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/

useradd example - Add a new user to secondary group

Use useradd command to add new users to existing group (or create a new group and then add user). If group does not exist, create it. Syntax:
useradd -G {group-name} username

Link: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-add-user-to-group/

UNIX Add Existing User To A Secondary Group

Use usermod command to modify a user's login definition on the system including group membership. For, example add user vivek to sales group, enter:
# usermod -G sales vivek

UNIX Add Existing User To A Primary Group

Add jerry to sales primary group and change its existing group membership:
# usermod -g sales jerry

Link sobre gerenciamento de usuários no Linux:

Para trocar o uid de um usuário já criado utilize o comando:
sudo usermod -u 1002 user
sendo 1002 o novo número do usuário.

Não deixe de conferir nosso novo blog sobre Linux em : Ubuntu "4us"

Version Control with Subversion


NFS: Overview and Gotchas

Link: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/nfs.htm

Para reiniciar NFS digite:
sudo exportfs -a
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start

Para a montagem segue:
sudo mount -t nfs /import/share

Cuidado o programa "shares-admin" altera o /etc/exports

Outro How-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889

Para corrigir problema de internal error com o hardy, veja este patch:

Para resolver firewall e fixar porta veja o link:

Edite o arquivo:

trocando a linha sobre opções do NFS conforme abaixo para fixar uma porta tcp:
sudo gedit /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server

com esta informação: RPCMOUNTDOPTS='--port 48080'

altere o arquivo sudo gedit /etc/hosts.allow com:

Para confirmar as alterações em sudo gedit /etc/exports utilize o comando
exportfs -a
e depois:
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
/etc/init.d/portmap restart

Alguns comandos interessantes:
strings /sbin/portmap | grep hosts
rpcinfo -p
dpkg-reconfigure portmap

O conteúdo de /etc/exports poderia ser:

O arquivo sudo gedit /etc/fstab pode ficar assim:
server.casa.lan:/homeserver/Data /home/Data nfs users,noauto,rw,hard,intr 0 0
server.casa.lan:/homeserver/aarvati /srv/aarvati nfs user,noauto,rw,hard,intr 0 0
server.casa.lan:/homeserver/iarvati /srv/iarvati nfs user,noauto,rw,hard,intr 0 0
server.casa.lan:/homeserver/Public /home/Public nfs users,noauto,rw,hard,intr 0 0
server.casa.lan:/homeserver/Lixeira /home/Lixeira nfs users,noauto,rw,hard,intr 0 0

Ubuntu reconfigure xorg

Ubuntu reconfigure xorg

Type any one of the following command to reconfigure X.org windows system:
As the root user:
# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

OR as a normal user:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

No Ubuntu Hardy Heron estou tentando ainda:

um comando que achei é o

Mas estou vendo como utilizá-lo ainda.

Para quem tem nvidia ou ATI existe o pacote abaixo:

Driver Support With Envy
Another very useful tool I’ve found is the Envy tool, which will install required non-free driver support for nvidia or ATI cards for you. I’ll admit that I’ve only used this occasionally, considering I have intel graphics cards on my main laptops, but in the situations where I have needed it things have worked great.
sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk
sudo apt-get install envyng-core
sudo envyng -t
man envyng

Quem esta com interface gráfica tem o comando:
gksu displayconfig-gtk

Change eth1 back to eth0

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281120
Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5117082

Edit the file using the following comand and remove the existing eth0 line:

$ sudo gedit /etc/iftab

No ubuntu hardy o caminho é:

Fixando o DNS com DHCP client

Link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=544383

Para sempre forçar um DNS server edite o arquivo abaixo e modifique ou inclua a linha indicada:

sudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

prepend domain-name-servers,;
prepend domain-name "casa.lan ";

se utilizar uma linha do tipo abaixo voce estará sobrepondo qualquer dns server indicado pelo DHCP:
supersede domain-name-servers,;
supersede domain-name "casa.lan";

Trocar o editor do crontab

Para quem não consegue utilizar o vi como eu, segue comando para trocar o editor do crontab:

export VISUAL=’pico -w'

How to Servidor Debian com EMAIL

como montar um servidor debian, muito parecido com ubuntu:

Para configurar email com mysql este link é utili:

Outro link: http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/

Mais um: http://codepoets.co.uk/postfixadmin-postgresql-courier-squirrelmail-debian-etch-howto-tutorial

Se tiver erros de Permissão Negada, a sequencia de comandos me ajudou:
su - user -c 'maildirmake.dovecot /home/Mail/domain/user/Maildir'
chown -hR vmail:vmail /home/Mail
chmod -R 770 /home/Mail

Vou tentar depois instalar o webmail RoundCube em : http://roundcube.net/

Removing old deleted mails

With IMAP you can mark emails as deleted and some email clients will not even show them any more. But the emails are still there and occupy space. Usually there is an option to purge all marked emails but many users do not care. So Michael Weisgerber suggests to run this command frequently via crontab to remove such emails:
find /home/vmail/ -name '*,ST' -ctime +7 | xargs rm -f

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